The Ed Hardy phenomenon started a couple of years ago, I remember getting shirts and sneakers ordered through my relatives from New York. In Munich we had a store called "Grace" where my Mum used to indulge myself with the CA creations. I was so in love with the brand and I can still say: This success is unrepeated and irreplaceable. The store I'm in now, is known for being ahead of time with their brands: They sold Ed Hardy first in Munich. Next to Cavalli and Moschino, Ed Hardy was the ultimate it brand in the boutique. Whether those were Russians or Arabian Emirates billionaires, they shopped the American Dream Couture like they are about to go on Noah's ark. Audigier was in the right moment in the right place with the right business plan. If I would have to describe the secret hit essence of the concept I'd say: Association theory. The great LA Couture Don linked a certain life style represented by the most known party people in Hollywood to a certain product, in this case: The clothes. Being crazily tattooed all over the body was now possible with the help of the Ed Hardy shirt. When you wear Ed Hardy you feel like you're wearing swimwear underneath on a yacht around the world with Christian playing poker with Diddy and Madonna doing exercises on the helicopter runway. Clothing with a dream and a vision- Secret recipe of the story of success. A man who made it so far that only sky's the limit. ;)
As I'm studying economy and business now, I feel like it's very important, not only to study the university book material but also the master examples of life. The most unfair part of life, is that everything requires 100% passion and work, 'cause... YOLO... ;)... we only live once. So for those of you who have certain dreams, which is something we all have... don't stop. Try first, because people... You can make it all happen, and that is just what you should keep in mind day by day. )))